- Prior art searches
- Prior art analysis
- Competitive research
- Technical Consulting
- Patent application preparation
- Figure preparation
- Filing strategies consultation
- Patent prosecution
Protect & Profit
- Patent filing U.S. and abroad
- Agreement preparation
- Intellectual property training
- IP Strategies
Invention To Patent Services provides a wide range or intellectual property services.
Process for Obtaining a Utility Patent
Step 1: Define and outline your invention
ITP Services will work with you to broadly define your invention through alternatives exploration and brainstorming.
Step 2: Determine if your invention is new
ITP Services will conduct a thorough prior art search for relevant patents and patent applications in the US and abroad. Analysis of the prior art will be used for determining the initial claim draft.
Step 3: Draft a patent application
ITP Services will draft a patent application for your invention including the formal figures. The patent application draft will be submitted to you for review. Your input and suggestions will be incorporated into an edited draft before a final application is prepared for final review.
Step 4: File the patent application
A provisional, non provisional or design patent will be filed for your invention. ITP Services will complete all the formal filing papers and forms required.
Step 5: Prosecution
ITP Services will prosecute your patent application through the patent office.
Step 6: Patent Issues
Upon successful prosecution of your patent application through the patent office, your patent will issue. An issued utility patent has a 20 year term from the date of filing with payment of maintenance fees.
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